BHS Chorus families,
Welcome to a new semester! As we continue in second semester, I have a few items to share with you: Updated Chorus Syllabus The updated chorus syllabus for second semester is posted on the chorus eClass page and is also available here. Please note the updated late work policy in the syllabus. Performances this semester I am currently developing a plan for performances this semester. Our current plan is to hold our Pre-LGPE concert on March 4. I am working on what that will look like at this time – it may be similar to our Holiday concert. I will share spring show plans later this term, and know our students will be amazing no matter the format! Registration for 2021-2022 Brookwood Chorus It is almost shocking to think about, but planning for next school year is underway! I am looking forward to the return of our traditions, live concerts, social events, and trips! I am also currently planning an optional April 2022 trip with a workshop performance at Disney World, which will be open to all chorus students. More details will be shared over the next few months. To continue as a member of the Brookwood Chorus, current chorus students should simply enroll in either “Women’s Chorus, all levels” or “Men’s Chorus, all levels” on their registration form. Registration will begin next week. I will place students in the appropriate level chorus class after they are registered. All current Men’s Chorus students will remain in Men’s Chorus, but their level may change (beginning to intermediate or advanced). All current 2nd Period, Beginning Women’s Chorus (Dolce Voce Chorus) students and 3rd Period, Intermediate Women’s Chorus (Rhapsody Chorus) students have the opportunity to audition into Advanced Women’s Chorus (Cantabile). Audition information will be shared with students next week. Students should go ahead and register for Chorus (all levels), as audition results are typically released by March. Students should use this link, which is also posted on eClass, to submit their audition interest. Do you know of a rising 9th grader or current BHS student who loves to sing but isn’t in chorus? Send them my way! Need a Chorus Shirt? Does your student still need the required 2020-21 Brookwood Chorus shirt for our performances this semester? The final opportunity to order a shirt is underway. Please look on under clubs for “Chorus Dues” which are $25, and include your shirt. You will select a size when you pay. If you paid dues last semester, you don’t need to do anything! NO extra shirts will be ordered. Digital Learners This semester, online learners are expected to have their camera on during chorus rehearsals. Thank you to everyone singing at home! All-State Chorus GMEA cancelled the All-State chorus for the current 2020-2021 school year. I look forward to our students auditioning and performing at All-State Chorus next school year! Musically, Mr. Still |
January 2025
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