Braves National Anthem Performance:
August 23, 2025
Please read everything below to avoid disappointment in August!
The Brookwood High, Crews Middle, and Five Forks Middle School Choral programs are singing the Star-Spangled Banner at Truist Park for the Atlanta Braves! Only students registered for chorus during the 2025-2026 school year may participate in the performance, but family and friends are welcome to purchase tickets and enjoy the game in the Brookwood section. Student chorus members must be in 7th-12th grade for the 2025-2026 school year.
When: Saturday, August 23, 2025
Where: Truist Park
755 Battery Ave
Atlanta, GA 30339
Time: Meet at 5:45pm (Game starts at 7:15pm)
In order for a singer participate, you must complete three things:
1. Purchase tickets for all singers, friends and family members who wish to attend
2. Order a shirt for every singer. Optional: order shirts for family members.
**Shirts can be purchased customized if you wish with student's last name on the back like a jersey!
***If you already have this shirt from last year, and it still fits, no need to order!
3. Complete the singer info form so we know who is singing!
Ticket & Parking Purchase Link: Click here
Ticket purchase deadline: Aug 01, 2025 11:59 PM EDT
Parking will be added in late Feb/early March by the Braves. You can go back and use this link to purchase parking later.
Uniform Purchase Link: Click Here
Uniform purchase deadline: July 15, 2025
We will not have extra shirts on hand. You cannot purchase shirts after July 15, 2025. Singers must have this shirt to participate. It is the same shirt as the past two years. Shirts will be distributed at our cluster rehearsal. The rehearsal date will be in August; TBD.
Singer Info Form (REQUIRED FOR SINGERS): Click here
Sign Up for Communication: COMING SOON
Cluster Rehearsals: Rehearsal date at Brookwood High School TBA. Rehearsal attendance mandatory for everyone; this is our only chance to practice with all singers present at once.
Uniform: All performing students will be required to purchase our Braves Performance Shirt. We will wear the shirt & shorts (length must meet dress code). You provide the pants/shorts. NO RIPPED JEANS. No extra shirts will be available for purchase in August. Everyone MUST pre-order; no shirt = no performance.
Field Trip Form: Please complete the Alternative Transportation Field Trip Form to participate in the trip. Brookwood High Chorus students (including rising 9th graders) will also need to complete the Student Code of Conduct form. These forms will be given out in August.
No transportation will be provided for this event. Except for the actual performance, parents/guardians are required to provide supervision for their student. You may not drop your child off and leave them alone. GCPS / Brookwood High School / Crews Middle School / Five Forks Middle School and their respective choral directors are not in charge of any students during this event. This is a family event so please make sure to stay with your family and friends during the game. A portion of each ticket sale will benefit all three choral programs, so please invite your family and friends!
Note: Directors reserve the right to remove students from performing for behavioral reasons at their discretion.
Video Below: 175 singers from the Brookwood Cluster middle & high schools performed at the Braves game on August 1, 2023.