Brookwood Chorus families, We've hit 2025 running! I hope you've been able to stay warm with the cold and snow during these DLDs. Here is the latest information on our upcoming LGPE Trip! You can find the times and dates at the link below. No need to print these - your student will receive a hard copy in class. All forms due by Feb. 7, 2025. 1. Click here for the form that will be sent home Friday. (Dates, times, procedures, etc.) 2. Click here to submit required emergency contact information for the trip. 3. Click here for the form that must be signed & returned in order for your child to participate. NOTE: Only 4th and 5th Period need to return the last page (a new Health Form) since their field trips end after hours. LGPE Chaperone Information Parent chaperones are needed for this trip to be a success! Visit to sign up as a parent chaperones. I need multiple chaperones for each trip. Please consider volunteering, and thank you! Pre-LGPE Concert February 24, 2025 - After school rehearsal in Brookwood Theatre/test grade - Rehearsal begins at 2:20pm - 2nd/3rd Period dismissed around 3:20pm - 4th/5th Period dismissed around 3:50pm (all dismissal times tentative for now) February 25, 2025 - Concert (Test Grade) - 5:30pm: Call time for all chorus students (Theatre) - 6pm: Concert begins Do you need new uniform pieces? Formal Brookwood Chorus concert attire is required for the pre-LGPE concert (February 25) and the LGPE field trips. View the formal uniform policy and purchase needed attire at this link. Registration for 2025-2026 It’s almost time to register for the 2025-2026 school year! Current 9th-11th grade students will register for classes at the end of this month/beginning of February. I look forward to seeing our chorus students return next year as we build upon the music and skills we are working on during our current school year! Treble voices (Soprano/Alto) who are interested in auditioning for our advanced class (Cantabile) should sign up for an audition. Audition sign up is posted in the chorus room. Auditions start Monday, January 27. In the meantime, make sure to register for chorus so that you’re eligible to audition. Treble Chorus students who are currently in 4th period/Cantabile remain. Treble Chorus students who do not audition will be placed into 3rd period/Rhapsody chorus. Tenors & Basses remain in 5th period chorus. Do you know someone who loves to sing, but isn’t in chorus? Please make sure to send them to me! Do you know an 8th grade student from Five Forks or Crews Middle who likes to sing? Make sure they register for Brookwood Chorus as well! Chorus Dues If your student paid their chorus dues, they will receive the spring show chorus shirt later this semester. If they still need to pay, please click here for instructions. Universal Trip Update We're getting closer to our Universal Trip this March! Students will get to submit their roommate preferences (in groups of four) next week. Stay tuned for more details! Spring Show It will be May before you know it! Our spring show will be presented twice: May 1 & 2 at 7pm. Solos & small group rehearsals will be held April 28, all students will have rehearsal on April 29 & 20 after school until roughly 6pm. More details will come out after spring break. Tickets go on sale in April via GoFan. Braves Performance: August 2025 Mark your calendars! Our next performance at the Atlanta Braves will be on Saturday, August 23, 2025. Ticket details coming soon - you'll find the information on how to order here. Tickets can be purchased now; parking & shirts coming soon. Remember, students must be enrolled in chorus for the 2025-2026 school year in order to participate. All-State Chorus Congratulations to these fine Brookwood Chorus students for officially making the 2025 GMEA All-State Chorus! Syllabus
Click here for the syllabus. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful weekend! - Mr. Still Brookwood Chorus families –
We are in the final stretch as we prepare for our Holiday Concert! Please read these very important notes: Volunteers Needed for Holiday Concert I need help please! I cannot do it alone – please click here if you are interested in helping with our holiday concert! After School Rehearsal – Required/Test Grade Monday, December 9, 2024 Location: Brookwood High School Chorus Room Time: 2:20-4:15pm 2nd period will be released by 3:20pm; 3rd period released by 3:30pm; 5th period released by 3:45pm; 4th period released by 4pm, and honors chorale members released by 4:15pm, if not sooner. Holiday Concert Information Who: ALL chorus classes (required/test grade) Five Forks MS 8th Grade, Crews MS 8th Grade, and Brookwood HS Combined Choruses When: Tuesday, December 10, 2024 Time: Concert starts at 7pm. Doors open at 6:45pm for audience members. Only volunteers may enter early. Students may arrive as early as 5pm, but should arrive no later than the times listed below: 4th Period arrives at 5:00pm, 2nd & 3rd period arrives at 5:10pm, 5th Period arrives at 5:25pm. Students are required to be on time as part of their grade. I strongly suggest leaving & arriving early, as traffic might create delays. Where: Smoke Rise Baptist Church 5901 Hugh Howell Rd, Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Signs will direct you to the appropriate entrance. Attire: Formal Concert Attire - click here for uniform reminders. NO SNEAKERS, TENNIS SHOES, OR BOOTS. Special Note: Selected pieces from this performance will be recorded and broadcast by GCPS TV! We will be part of GCPS TV's Sounds of the Season program, which will air later this December. As such, it is even more important for students to be dressed correctly in our formal concert attire. All-State Chorus Results The students listed below earned a score high enough to pass the first round of All-State Chorus auditions! These students auditioned with nearly 6000 chorus students across Georgia on Nov. 2. Students were evaluated on a memorized Italian art song solo, scales, and three sight reading examples. Jadesola Adebomojo, Alto 2 (12th) Spencer Calvit, Tenor 2 (12th) Jadine Donatien, Alto 1 (11th) Amjad English, Tenor 1 (11th) Kathleen Go, Soprano 2 (12th) Mark Hallet, Tenor 2 (11th) Anna Makely, Soprano 1 (12th) Alexis Newman, Alto 1 (9th) Clara Phung, Soprano 1 (11th) Vivian Tran, Alto 1 (12th) Rhiannon Vasbinder, Soprano 2 (10th) Sean York, Bass 1 (12th) Chorus Friendly Feast Chorus Friendly Feast is Friday, December 13, from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the Commons. Students should sign up with what they're bringing in google classroom by Monday, Dec. 9 so we can plan accordingly. Optional – for students only! This is a potluck dinner & cookie decorating contest for current chorus students. Help Needed! Parents - if you are able to help, please sign up here. Thank you! Fundraiser We are holding a fundraiser over the next two weeks! Click here to sign up. Students who are attending the Universal Trip can earn toward their final trip payment and reduce the final cost; individual funds raised apply to individual trip accounts. Funds raised by students not attending the trip will go in the chorus booster account. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to me! Musically, Mr. Still Brookwood Chorus Families,
Can you believe it's already November? Here's what's going on in chorus! All-State Auditions I'm proud of everyone who auditioned this past Saturday! Cut-off scores, which will determine who makes it to the next round, typically come out from the state in 2-3 weeks. You'll know when I know! Fall Concert Media Click here to access fall concert pictures! Click here to access song videos from the fall concert (available for a limited time). Holiday Concert Who: ALL chorus classes (required/test grade) What: Five Forks MS 8th Grade, Crews MS 8th Grade, and Brookwood HS Combined Choruses When: Tuesday, December 10 Time: Concert starts at 7pm. Doors open at 6:45pm for audience members. Call time for students - 5:15pm (stay tuned for adjustments). Where: Smoke Rise Baptist Church 5901 Hugh Howell Rd, Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Same venue as last year! Attire: Formal Concert Attire - click here if you need to buy any replacement uniform pieces. DO NOT WAIT if you need to order uniform pieces. Volunteers Needed: Parents/guardians, click here if you are able to help out at the concert. Reserved seating for those that help! Required after school rehearsal: Monday, Dec. 9, 2:20-4:30pm @ Brookwood HS. Students will be released by class like the fall rehearsal. Exact release times TBA. Friendly Feast - a Brookwood Chorus Tradition Chorus Friendly Feast is Friday, December 13, from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the commons. Friendly feast is a pot-luck style dinner just for chorus students, along with a holiday cookie decorating contest - Mrs. Still will make homemade sugar cookies for everyone to decorate! Each class is assigned a type of dish to bring. Students can RSVP here. Parents, we need a few folks to help volunteer help for the evening. Please click here to volunteer and help out! Honors Chorale Trips Honors Chorale received information today regarding a few trips that we'll be taking to FFMS and CMS over the next month or so. More details here. Greetings Brookwood Chorus families!
Our fall in-person concert is next week! Yes, we are still planning to have the concert as scheduled. Here are a few details/updates: Required Afterschool Rehearsal (Test Grade) Monday, September 30 - Starting at 2:20pm Location: Brookwood Theatre After reviewing our progress this week, and accounting for the loss of rehearsal time due to school closures, I've updated the rehearsal schedule below. Not everyone will have to stay for the entire rehearsal. Students are welcome to stay and watch the rest of the rehearsal quietly instead of leaving early. All students should leave via the Maroon Gym/Theatre Lobby entrance (car riders). Students do NOT need to wear the chorus uniform for the dress rehearsal. 2nd Period - Dismissed by approximately 3:30pm. 3rd Period - Dismissed by approximately 3:40pm. 4th Period - Dismissed by approximately 4pm. 5th Period - Dismissed by approximately 4:20pm. Honors Chorale will rehearse until about 4:35pm. Fall Concert – Required/Test Grade Date: October 1, 2024 Location: Brookwood Theatre Performance Time: 6pm; seating opens for the audience by 5:50pm. Call Time for students: Students will need to report in concert uniform for warm-up by 5:15pm. Student Cell phone usage is strictly prohibited during the concert. Uniform Reminders If your child ordered uniform pieces, they were distributed in class several weeks ago. Do you still need to order something? Click here. It's probably too late at this point, but you can try! Don’t know what you’re supposed to wear? Click here for the requirements. Remember: Hemming dresses/pants, black socks & black dress shoes are your responsibility. Tennis shoes, sneakers, boots, flip flops, sandals, etc. are NOT appropriate for formal concert attire. If your child elects to wear a mask for the concert, it must be solid black. Universal Trip Update I emailed everyone directly who had already signed up for the Universal Trip the morning of 9/26, but everyone who signed up is eligible to participate. A few spots are still open - please register here if you are interested. All travelers must pay the initial payment by October 1, 2024. District Honor Chorus Music and field trip forms will be given to accepted students when we return on Monday, September 30. In the interim, I have placed resources on google classroom for students to go ahead and start learning their DHC music! The field trip packet is also on google classroom, but a hard copy will be given to students on Monday. Join BPAB! Show your support and join the Brookwood Performing Arts Boosters and become a member! Our ability to provide additional experiences and performing opportunities expands with your support. Click here for more information! Honors Chorale Reminders Honors Chorale is a mixed auditioned group of 10th-12th grade students. In addition to performing at our regular concerts, Honors Chorale is also performing for these upcoming events:
![]() Brookwood Chorus Families, We have had a strong and busy start to the school year! Here are some important things going on: - Great job to everyone who performed at the Braves Game! I had a good time, and I hope you did too! - Thank you to everyone who participated in the Tailgate, and a big thank you to our parent volunteers! The food was great! A HUGE shoutout to Jamaican Flavors (@jamaicanflavorsatl) for generously providing the main meal to our students! Brookwood Performing Arts Boosters Parents, please visit our website and join our boosters program! Your contributions help support our performing arts classes at Brookwood. They're also tax deductible! Please check out the levels below. Thank you for your support. Universal Studios Trip The deadline to express interest is Friday, September 6. Please click here to learn more and sign up. Fall Concert – Required/Test Grade Date: October 1, 2024 Location: Brookwood Theatre Performance Time: 6pm; seating opens for the audience by 5:50pm. Call Time for students: Students will need to report in concert uniform for warm-up by 5:15pm. Cell phone usage is strictly prohibited during the concert. Fall Dress Rehearsal – Required/Test Grade Date: September 30, 2024 Location: Brookwood Theatre Time: 2:25pm-5pm. The vast majority of students will *not* need to stay for the entire rehearsal time. Approximately one week prior to the rehearsal, I will send out a schedule based on the progress we make in class over the next couple of weeks. 2nd period students will more than likely be released prior to 4pm; 3rd period students released prior to 4:20pm; 4th & 5th period students will be released prior to 4:30pm. Chorale students will be released last. Stay tuned for a more exact schedule. Cell phone usage is strictly prohibited during all rehearsals. Students do not need to wear formal concert attire for the dress rehearsal. Uniform Update If your child ordered uniform pieces, some pieces were distributed in class on Thursday, September 5. The rest will be distributed on Monday, September 9. Try the uniform as soon as you get it! If you need to make an exchange, bring back the piece that needs to be returned in pristine condition, & in the original packaging. You will need to bring a note with the student's name, purchaser's name, and what size you need in exchange. Bring exchange items to class on Tuesday, September 10, 2024. Sorry, no late exchanges. Do you still need to order something? Click here. I would order with at least 2 weeks lead time before the concert so that it hopefully makes it to you in time. Don’t know what you’re supposed to wear? Click here for the requirements. Remember: Hemming dresses/pants, black socks & black shoes are your responsibility. Tennis shoes, sneakers, boots, flip flops, sandals, etc. are NOT appropriate for formal concert attire. Don’t forget Chorus dues… Have you paid your chorus dues? If you did, you will receive an email receipt from JotForm. Click here if you still need to pay dues. Calendar Click here for our digital calendar! Scroll to the bottom and you’ll find an interactive google calendar that you can add to your device and stay in the know! All State Chorus Chorus students trying out for All-State chorus received information from me last week. Solos are posted on eClass and Google Classroom; the audition schedule for Nov. 2 will be released about 2 weeks prior to the event. Your audition time could be anywhere from 9am to 5pm that day. All-State Chorus help sessions are Wednesdays after school from 2:20-3pm. See the chorus calendar for dates. District Honor Chorus We are waiting results from GMEA regarding who was accepted to GMEA District 13 Honor Chorus. You will know when I know! No payment is due yet for impacted students. UGA Choral Day Students who were selected for UGA Choral Day (Sept. 24) will receive their music next week! Honors Chorale Honors Chorale is a mixed auditioned group of 10th-12th grade students. In addition to performing at our fall concert, Honors Chorale is also performing:
Have a great end of the week! Musically, Mr. Still Brookwood Chorus Students and Families,
It has been such a delight to see our new Chorus Broncos this week! We have had a great first two days of school, and I am looking forward to what we'll be able to accomplish together this school year! A few notes:
Follow us on facebook and Instagram! Musically, Mr. Still Brookwood Chorus families, Thank you for a wonderful 2023-2024 school year! I hope that you have a chance to relax this coming summer. Before we go on summer break, here are few items of note: Spring Show Recap I am so proud of our chorus students for all of their performances this year! Click here to view pictures of the entire show, courtesy of Allison Hollingshead. Chorus Trip 2025 We will have a formal meeting regarding next year's trip after the new school year begins! Stay tuned for more information regarding this - less expensive than NYC, but still lots of fun - trip! We're planning on having a universally good time! Seniors All Chorus Seniors perform at Baccalaureate & Graduation. Please click here for dates, times, and details. Braves Update I hope that you'll be able to join us as we sing at the Braves on August 24, 2024! Tickets can be purchased as late as August 9, but shirts have to be purchased by July 15! Tickets/details here. Final Exams Finals began today. Review guides are posted on google classroom. Thank you again for a wonderful end of the year. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing so many folks at our awards & dessert banquet earlier this week! Have a wonderful summer, and I'm already looking forward to what we'll do next school year! - Mr. Still Braves Game / National Anthem Performance
We have been invited back to perform at the Atlanta Braves on Saturday, August 24, 2024! The Braves are on fire and games are selling out, so don't wait to purchase tickets with our section! This is an optional event, but I hope that everyone is able to perform. Only students who are enrolled in chorus for the 2024-2025 school year may perform. Everyone attending the game will need a ticket, including student performers. Friends and family are welcome to attend. Buy tickets and learn more: Our ticket link will be given out to the Brookwood Community at the end of this week, so buy early for best seats! A portion of each ticket sold will go back to the Brookwood HS, Crews MS, and Five Forks MS Choral programs. Spring Show Tickets on Sale! Brookwood on Broadway is coming up soon! Date: May 2 and 3 (same show - two opportunities to watch) Time: 7pm The show will run around 2 hours not including a 10 minute intermission. Purchase spring show tickets by clicking here! All attendees will need a ticket. Children 4 and under who can sit on a lap are free. If they need a seat, they will need a ticket. This is our only ticketed concert for the year; all proceeds support our chorus students. Parents: Can you volunteer and help? Free tickets to those that sign up by April 26 to help pass out usher and help backstage! Click here to sign up! Thank you! Spring Show Rehearsal Details The Spring Show will be here before you know it! The info below is for students. All spring show performances & rehearsals take place in the Brookwood Theatre.
Spring Show Attire Requirements - Brookwood on Broadway shirt with NON-RIPPED, full length jeans & sneakers/tennis shoes. - Please pay your chorus dues to get the shirt. Chorus dues were paid back in August 2023 and include the chorus shirt. Shirts will be delivered to everyone in about a week. - If you have not paid for your chorus shirt/chorus dues yet, please go to eClass and find the chorus dues link, or CLICK HERE. You will receive an email receipt from paypal. Awards & Dessert Night Join us in the commons for the chorus awards ceremony on Wednesday, May 8, at 7pm! All seniors will be recognized that evening, and several other awards will be given as well. Hope to see everyone there for an evening of celebration! We will have catered dessert that evening. Spring Semester Trip 2025 I'm working on a trip for next school year. This trip will be a little closer to home and less expensive than NYC. Stay tuned for updates! Our Brookwood Chorus students performed superbly this week at LGPE! I am so very proud of everyone! Click here to listen to the recordings of the chorus perform at LGPE!
Thank you so much to our chaperones who helped with this trip. Without you, we would not have been able to perform. Chaperones, if you are able, please send me any pictures/videos that you took while at LGPE! Coming Soon... NYC Trip - We leave for NYC in a couple of weeks! Make sure you know which flight you are on, and what to pack! Start checking the weather. Detailed information available here. Atlanta Braves Game Performance August 24, 2024 Ticket purchase link & shirt order will be coming out toward the end of next week. I am waiting on the link to become active - stay tuned. You must be enrolled in chorus for 2024-2025 to participate. Hope to see you there! Spring Show Rehearsal Details The Spring Show will be here before you know it! Tickets go on sale in April via GoFan. The info below is for students. All spring show performances & rehearsals take place in the Brookwood Theatre.
Spring Show Attire Requirements - Brookwood on Broadway shirt with NON-RIPPED, full length jeans & sneakers/tennis shoes. - Please pay your chorus dues to get the shirt. Chorus dues were paid back in August 2023 and include the chorus shirt. Shirts will be delivered to everyone in April 2024. - If you have not paid for your chorus shirt/chorus dues yet, please go to eClass and find the chorus dues link, or CLICK HERE. Please pay by March 31. You will receive an email receipt from paypal. Awards & Dessert Night Join us in the commons for the chorus awards ceremony on Wednesday, May 8, at 7pm! All seniors will be recognized that evening, and several other awards will be given as well. Hope to see everyone there for an evening of celebration! We will have catered dessert that evening. Formal Attire Donations Unless a performance "pops" up (and they have in the past), we have completed our performances that require formal attire for this school year. Senior parents, if you would like to donate your child's cleaned formal wear for another student to wear next year, I am happy to accept! Make sure to put your child's name on the bag before turning it in just in case we have surprise performance. In the past, we've been invited to perform at a board meeting, etc... Brookwood Chorus Parents/Guardians & Students,
We are rapidly approaching our next concert, LGPE field trips, and the NYC Broadway Trip! Get all the details here: Pre-LGPE Concert (ALL Chorus Students) Our next required (test grade) concert is February 27, 2024. February 26, 2024 – After school rehearsal / required test grade
February 27, 2024 – Pre-LGPE Concert Brookwood Theatre / Required Test Grade
Concert Uniform Reminder: Formal Brookwood Chorus concert attire is required for the pre-LGPE concert (February 27) and the LGPE field trips. View the formal uniform policy by clicking here. All late concert uniform orders are handled on a individual basis between the ordering student and the uniform supplier. Concert shoes must be solid black - no boots, flipflops, or sandals. LGPE Trips (Impacts ALL Chorus Students) All Chorus classes are performing at Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE) on March 4, 2024. A permission form was sent home in late January, and was due February 9. I will accept late forms through February 23. We are in need of chaperones to help make this trip a success! 1. Click here for the information letter (Dates, times, procedures, etc.) 2. Click here to submit required emergency contact information for the trip. 3. Click here for the form that must be signed & returned in order for your child to participate. LGPE Chaperone Information Parent chaperones are needed for this trip to be a success! Visit to sign up as a parent chaperones. We still need more chaperones to sign up. Thank you to all who have already volunteered! NYC Trip Miss this week's student & parent meeting? Click here for trip details. All travelers need to: 1. Access their Delta Tickets. Instructions were sent home on how to access tickets with each traveling student. 2. Purchase a Chorus NYC T-Shirt or hoodie that we will wear on the trip. Deadline: Feb. 29, 2024 3. Complete and return the NYC Trip Permission Form by March 1. Extra packets are available in the chorus room. Spring Show Our 2024 Spring Show, BROOKWOOD ON BROADWAY is in May! Catch the show at 7pm on either May 2 or 3 in the Brookwood Theatre. Tickets will be available on GoFan later this semester. More details coming after spring break! All-State Chorus Congratulations to the following students who represented Brookwood at GMEA All-State Chorus this past weekend! Harrison Carr, Bass 1 (12th) - Tenor/Bass Chorus Audrey Ford, Alto 2 (10th) - 9th/10th Mixed Chorus Mark Hallet, Tenor 1 (10th) - Tenor/Bass Chorus Ty McDaniel, Tenor 1 (9th) - 9th/10th Mixed Chorus Clara Phung, Soprano 1 (10th) - 9th/10th Mixed Chorus Alex Saxby, Alto 1 (12th) - Senior Treble Chorus Sean York, Bass 1 (11th) - Tenor/Bass Chorus Have a great rest of the week! - Mr. Still |
January 2025
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