Brookwood Chorus families, We've hit 2025 running! I hope you've been able to stay warm with the cold and snow during these DLDs. Here is the latest information on our upcoming LGPE Trip! You can find the times and dates at the link below. No need to print these - your student will receive a hard copy in class. All forms due by Feb. 7, 2025. 1. Click here for the form that will be sent home Friday. (Dates, times, procedures, etc.) 2. Click here to submit required emergency contact information for the trip. 3. Click here for the form that must be signed & returned in order for your child to participate. NOTE: Only 4th and 5th Period need to return the last page (a new Health Form) since their field trips end after hours. LGPE Chaperone Information Parent chaperones are needed for this trip to be a success! Visit to sign up as a parent chaperones. I need multiple chaperones for each trip. Please consider volunteering, and thank you! Pre-LGPE Concert February 24, 2025 - After school rehearsal in Brookwood Theatre/test grade - Rehearsal begins at 2:20pm - 2nd/3rd Period dismissed around 3:20pm - 4th/5th Period dismissed around 3:50pm (all dismissal times tentative for now) February 25, 2025 - Concert (Test Grade) - 5:30pm: Call time for all chorus students (Theatre) - 6pm: Concert begins Do you need new uniform pieces? Formal Brookwood Chorus concert attire is required for the pre-LGPE concert (February 25) and the LGPE field trips. View the formal uniform policy and purchase needed attire at this link. Registration for 2025-2026 It’s almost time to register for the 2025-2026 school year! Current 9th-11th grade students will register for classes at the end of this month/beginning of February. I look forward to seeing our chorus students return next year as we build upon the music and skills we are working on during our current school year! Treble voices (Soprano/Alto) who are interested in auditioning for our advanced class (Cantabile) should sign up for an audition. Audition sign up is posted in the chorus room. Auditions start Monday, January 27. In the meantime, make sure to register for chorus so that you’re eligible to audition. Treble Chorus students who are currently in 4th period/Cantabile remain. Treble Chorus students who do not audition will be placed into 3rd period/Rhapsody chorus. Tenors & Basses remain in 5th period chorus. Do you know someone who loves to sing, but isn’t in chorus? Please make sure to send them to me! Do you know an 8th grade student from Five Forks or Crews Middle who likes to sing? Make sure they register for Brookwood Chorus as well! Chorus Dues If your student paid their chorus dues, they will receive the spring show chorus shirt later this semester. If they still need to pay, please click here for instructions. Universal Trip Update We're getting closer to our Universal Trip this March! Students will get to submit their roommate preferences (in groups of four) next week. Stay tuned for more details! Spring Show It will be May before you know it! Our spring show will be presented twice: May 1 & 2 at 7pm. Solos & small group rehearsals will be held April 28, all students will have rehearsal on April 29 & 20 after school until roughly 6pm. More details will come out after spring break. Tickets go on sale in April via GoFan. Braves Performance: August 2025 Mark your calendars! Our next performance at the Atlanta Braves will be on Saturday, August 23, 2025. Ticket details coming soon - you'll find the information on how to order here. Tickets can be purchased now; parking & shirts coming soon. Remember, students must be enrolled in chorus for the 2025-2026 school year in order to participate. All-State Chorus Congratulations to these fine Brookwood Chorus students for officially making the 2025 GMEA All-State Chorus! Syllabus
Click here for the syllabus. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful weekend! - Mr. Still Comments are closed.
January 2025
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